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Título: Políticas públicas direcionadas a coleta seletiva no município de Sorocaba - SP
Autor(es): Spinosa, Clélia Maria do Carmo
Orientador(es): Guerra, Jorge Carlos Corrêa
Palavras-chave: Política pública
Coleta seletiva de lixo
Catadores de lixo
Cooperativas de reciclagem
Public policy
Refuse collection
Recycling cooperatives
Data do documento: 1-Dez-2012
Editor: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Câmpus: Curitiba
Citação: SPINOSA, Clélia Maria do Carmo. Políticas públicas direcionadas a coleta seletiva no município de Sorocaba - SP. 2012. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
Resumo: A sociedade atual chegou a um patamar de desenvolvimento onde não há retorno. Não se vive sem os confortos adquiridos na vida moderna. O que tornou um sério problema foi à falta de preocupação com os resíduos que esses materiais geram. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a prática da coleta seletiva, que há muito tempo é feita por iniciativas da sociedade civil, que num grau maior ou menor de consciência, presta sua colaboração ao meio ambiente. Discorre sobre o trabalho do catador que ao longo dos anos exerceu sua atividade de maneira despercebida e em condições muitas vezes indignas. Aponta como uma possível solução a parceria entre o poder público, as cooperativas e as empresas que investem no social, proporcionando a inclusão de catadores. Neste contexto, resgata a figura do catador como um ator essencial neste processo, viabilizando a coleta seletiva e o cuidado com os resíduos sólidos. Complementado o estudo verificou-se, por meio de aplicação de questionário, as melhorias que ocorreram no âmbito socioeconômico através do trabalho em cooperativas dos coletores de material reciclável, no município de Sorocaba-SP. Os catadores organizados em cooperativas recuperaram a autoestima, adquiriram consciência critica e buscam constantemente novas conquistas.
Abstract: The current society has reached a level of development where there is no return. Not live without the comforts available in modern life. What has become a serious problem was the lack of concern about the waste they generate. This work aims to study the practice of selective collection, which for a long time is made by civil society initiatives, in a greater or lesser degree of consciousness, providing your collaboration environment. Discusses the work of the collector who over the years has exercised his activity so unnoticed and under conditions often unworthy. The current society has reached a level of development where there is no return. Not live without the comforts available in modern life. What has become a serious problem was the lack of concern about the waste they generate. This work aims to study the practice of selective collection, which for a long time is made by civil society initiatives, in a greater or lesser degree of consciousness, providing your collaboration environment. Discusses the work of the collector who over the years has exercised his activity so unnoticed and under conditions often unworthy. Points as one possible solution the partnership between public authorities, cooperatives and companies that invest in social, providing the inclusion of scavengers. In this context, recalls the figure of the collector as an essential actor in this process, allowing selective and careful with the solid waste. Complemented the study it was found, by means of questionnaires, the improvements that have occurred in the context of cooperative work through socioeconomic collectors of recyclable material, in the municipality of Sorocaba-SP. scavengers organized in cooperatives recovered the self-esteem acquired consciousness criticizes and constantly seek new achievements. Points as one possible solution the partnership between public authorities, cooperatives and companies that invest in social, providing the inclusion of scavengers. In this context, recalls the figure of the collector as an essential actor in this process, allowing selective and careful with the solid waste. Complemented the study it was found, by means of questionnaires, the improvements that have occurred in the context of cooperative work through socioeconomic collectors of recyclable material, in the municipality of Sorocaba-SP. scavengers organized in cooperatives recovered the self-esteem acquired consciousness criticizes and constantly seek new achievements.
Aparece nas coleções:CT - Gestão Pública Municipal

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