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Título: O uso de jogos na sala de recursos para o ensino e aprendizagem inclusivos
Título(s) alternativo(s): The use of games in the resource room for inclusive teaching and learning
Autor(es): Aragão, Emanuely Velozo
Orientador(es): Nicodem, Maria Fatima Menegazzo
Palavras-chave: Jogos educativos
Estratégias de aprendizagem
Educação inclusiva
Educational games
Learning strategies
Inclusive education
Data do documento: 1-Mar-2024
Editor: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Câmpus: Medianeira
Citação: ARAGÃO, Emanuely Velozo. O uso de jogos na sala de recursos para o ensino e aprendizagem inclusivos. 2025. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2024.
Resumo: A formação escolar está baseada em espaços educacionais com estrutura adequada seja fisicamente e no seu corpo docente. A formação educacional se baseia na inclusão social para que todo indivíduo tenha acesso igualitário para sua formação escolar. Alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação, deficiências que comprometam sua habilidade física e outras deficiências devem ter acesso especiais em salas que desenvolvam de maneira especifica suas habilidades e especificidades individuais. Assim de acordo com as normativas que o país apresenta a implantação de salas de recursos veio como uma ferramenta fundamental para incluir os alunos com necessidades especiais no mesmo espaço escolar que as salas regulares se encontra. Para isso profissionais especializados são orientados através de formações docentes, cursos de especializações para realizar de maneira efetiva e constante esse trabalho com os alunos que necessitam desse atendimento educacional. Therefore, the presente work aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using games in the resource room for inclusive teaching and learning. Therefore, based on the research already published on this subject, the results of this practive in resource rooms are extremely valid, as the student in able to have autonomy and demonstrates, in this practice of studies with fun and games, greater academic performace, wereas in tradutional teaching coulb be hiddem as its development would be more limited.
Abstract: School training is based on educational spaces with adequate structure, both physically and in terms of teaching staff. Educational training is based on social inclusion so that every individual has equal access to their educational training. Students with high abilities/giftedness, disabilities that compromise their physical ability and other disabilities must have special access to rooms that specifically develop their individual abilities and specificities. Thus, in accordance with the regulations that the country presents, the implementation of resource rooms came as a fundamental tool to include students with special needs in the same school space as regular classrooms. To this end, specialized professionals are guided through teaching training and specialization courses to carry out this work effectively and constantly with students who need this educational service. Therefore, the present work aimed to report the importance of using games in resource rooms as a dynamic form of learning, where the student enhances their skills through modern and playful teaching. Therefore, based on the research already published on this subject, the results of this practice in resource rooms are extremely valid, as the student is able to have autonomy and demonstrates, in this practice of studies with fun and games, greater academic performance, whereas in traditional teaching could be hidden as its development would be more limited.
Aparece nas coleções:MD - Educação: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino

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